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In 2001 I received a grant from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities to paint a series of portraits of local Washingtonians: Joe Ruffin (artist), Anna Maria (restaurant owner and entrepreneur), Kelly and Maze (Twins Jazz owners), Mohammad Ali (local TV host), Peter Fraize (jazz saxophonist), and Federal Jazz Commission (dixieland band). I painted the musicians from the many sketches I did during their performances; they lent me their music as the sound tracks for the paintings. The rest of the people set for me in my studio. I recorded them speaking as I painted them.

The sound quality isn't great unfortunately; this was before smart phones, so I used just a basic recorder.
"Washingtonian Portraits" with the sound tracks (via headphones) were exhibited at the International Visions Gallery, Washington DC, in 2002 (see the picks bellow, and click on each image to find the soundtrack).

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